With so many great holiday sales on for the season, there are certainly great deals where you can help those children in need in your community by picking up some coats to donate or giving pre-owned coats that your own children might have outgrown.
New Mexicans can donate new or gently used winter coats at Melloy Dodge as well as Molina Healthcare, Walgreens, New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union, Mattress Firm, Circle K, Star Bright Cleaners or KOAT 7. Cash donations will also be accepted at New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union. The donated money is used to purchase additional coats.
Coats will be distributed by Albuquerque Public Schools, New Mexico Public Education Department, and the New Mexico National Guard.
Besides the assistance of Melloy Dodge in making this event happen, other local businesses involved in helping our community include Molina Healthcare, New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union, Mattress Firm, Circle K, Star Bright Cleaners, Walgreens, the New Mexico National Guard, A Virtual Receptionist, Hot Shot Services, the New Mexico Public Education Department, and Albuquerque Public Schools. Even the governor, Secretary of Education Hannah Skandera, and members of the National Guard have already gotten involved by handing out coats at James H. Rodriguez Elementary in Espanola.
Further information on donating or receiving a coat is available on the KOATs for Kids page at KOAT.COM. You can also contact Melloy Dodge for more information on how to give this season and keep children in the community warm and comfortable during the upcoming chilly weather.